Great detail! I love the colors!

Awwww! Adorable kittens...

Awesome! Lillian and I made this as a quick pic together!

This piece was inspired by Lillian's recent picture. I love the rainbow!

Lillian did this background with paint. Bravo! (Sorry I didn't post this sooner!) :)

Wow! Awesome, right?! :D

My, what big ears you have! (It's a weak joke. Laugh at it. Ha ha ha.) :)

The wall of fame is a place where I'll feature other people's art. For those who know my email, please send me photos of your art so that I can post it here! :) Also: I will give you credit for your work with your first name if you wish. If you have any art that's  web-worthy (which I know you do, all art is awesome!), be sure to send it to me! For those who don't know my email, try to put your art in the comments. I'll try to fix it so that everyone can post art without having to email me. Thanks for checking out my site!