Second new character! Her name is Katsu (she may be renamed) and she has been in my character workshop for a few weeks now, but I finally decided to put her into action. She is a pirate of strong spirit and pantaloons (for those of you who know me: Yes, I know, she's my second character who wears pantaloons.). Katsu is a close friend of Shizuka, although their personalities are polar opposites. A shipwreck separated Katsu from the rest of her family, so for the last five years she has been trying to find them.

This picture is from the time I went to Hawaii. I don't really remember much about where or when this was, but I do remember that a follow-up photo to this one was me holding a coconut.

Soon I should have up on the wall of fame a few things that Lillian sent me in an email. It's called Trip to Trains. I hope you all like it!

4/24/2013 11:40:10 am

You know what's weird? As soon as I looked at the picture I was reminded of Pipsqueak.


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